Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Some of January and February

 Madison and Joe take a rare train ride together at the Ventura Mall.
 Another fun trip to the zoo. Winter break was a blast.

Uh Oh! Joe and Madison made confetti eggs. I am still finding confetti in the house. 

 Here she is making grandma her Birthday gift and she had me film it too.
 Madison at Knit Fit for Marley's Birthday party. I am loving her new outfit.
 Passport trip to the SB Natural History Museum. We have to come back to the "back yard" when the weather is better.
A little mischievous doodling on the hand in the back seat with mommy's special art markers. She said it was Tiger camouflage.  
 Making paper flowers at Knit Fit for Ava's Birthday party. All the girls had so much fun.
 glitter tattoos!

 The unicorns the girls painted.
Some very unflattering photos of us at the Brother's restaurant for our special Fancy Valentine Dinner.   

 Nature hike at Cachuma Lake. We ended up staying the whole day!

 She even got her Junior Ranger badge

Future guide

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